For Authors

We are pleased to announce that the 5th issue of Proceedings of ICAIIT 2025 is planned without presentation at the conference.

Opening a reading submission: July 15, 2025.
Deadline of Paper Submission: September 15, 2025.
This special issue is scheduled for release on November 30, 2025.

Conference Presentation Requirement
At least one author of every accepted paper must present their work at the ICAIIT 2025 conference in Köthen. Authors should be prepared to present their papers at any scheduled time during the event. Failure to present will result in the removal of the paper from the ICAIIT 2025 Proceedings.

For other key dates, please refer to the Important Dates page.

Submission Limits
Each author (including co-authors) may submit a maximum of four (4) papers. If this limit is exceeded, the fourth and subsequent submissions (based on the order of submission) will not be reviewed.

Language Requirement
All submissions and presentations must be in English.

Submissions to ICAIIT must be original and unpublished. Papers should not have been previously published, accepted for publication, or presented at any other conference. Additionally, papers must not be under review elsewhere at the time of submission.
Completed research papers should include:
-    Clear objectives and well-described research questions
-    Comprehensive literature review supporting the research
-    Robust methodology (if applicable)
-    Appropriate analyses and evidence supporting the conclusions
-    Logical structure and clarity of writing

Peer Review Process
ICAIIT follows a double-blind peer review process via the EasyChair system. This ensures that:
-    Authors' identities remain anonymous to reviewers.
-    Reviewers' identities remain anonymous to authors.
-    Papers are assigned to reviewers while avoiding conflicts of interest (e.g., by organization or country).

Review Outcomes
Based on the review, papers will receive one of the following decisions:
a)    Accepted without revision (rare).
b)    Accepted with minor revisions.
c)    Accepted conditionally (requires significant revision).
d)    Rejected.

Authors do not respond to reviewers but must revise and resubmit their work in EasyChair within 2-5 days of receiving feedback. Authors do not directly respond to reviewers, but they are expected to implement suggested changes to enhance their paper's quality. In cases where reviewer recommendations contradict each other, authors should apply the changes they deem most relevant.

Template Requirements
All papers must be formatted according to the official ICAIIT submission template in (Microsoft Word (.docx), or LaTex). Instructions for using the template and formatting the submission are provided in the ICAIIT template document itself. The template ensures consistency and proper structure. Papers submitted in other formats will not be reviewed. Submissions must be a single file including text, figures, tables, and references.

Page Limits
Completed research papers must not exceed seven (7) single-spaced pages and must conform to the ICAIIT submission template. The 7 pages must include all text, figures, tables, and appendices. The cover page, abstract, keywords, and references are also included in this page count. Submissions with less than 5 pages will be automatically rejected.

Anonymization for Double-Blind Review
Authors must remove all identifying information from their submissions, including:
-    Author names and affiliations.
-    References to previous unpublished work.
-    Metadata in the document properties.

Instructions. To do this in Word 2010 click the File tab, and then click Info. Under Prepare for Sharing, click Check for Issues, and then click Inspect Document. In the Document Inspector dialog box, select the check boxes to choose the types of hidden content that you want to be inspected. In the next dialog box you can choose which information to remove. For older versions of MS-Word, click on Tools >> Options and then click on the Security tab. Under Privacy Options, select "Remove personal information from file properties on save".

Journal issue Fee (April 26, 2025, for those who choose the Publication-Only format; November 30, 2025)
The conference Proceeding Journal issue Fee is 150 euros for each accepted paper with presentation. Completed research papers must not exceed seven (7) single-spaced pages and must conform to the ICAIIT submission template. Submissions more than 7 pages are allowed for an additional fee of 30 euros per page.

The journal fee includes:
-    Publication in the Conference Proceedings Journal.
-    Certificate of participation (on request).

Conference Fee (March 13, 2025, in Köthen)
Conference fee is 100 euros for each accepted paper and 40 euros for guests without papers. Completed research papers must not exceed seven (7) single-spaced pages and must conform to the ICAIIT submission template. Submissions more than 7 pages are allowed for an additional fee of 50 euros per page.

The conference fee includes:
-    20-minute oral presentation slot.
-    Paper publication in the Conference Proceedings Journal.
-    Conference program for all participants.
-    Certificate of participation (on request).
-    Coffee breaks (dinner optional).
-    Full access to all sessions.

Publication of the Conference Proceedings Journal
Papers will be published under the imprint of Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (Edition Hochschule Anhalt), which will oversee the issuance of the DOI, ISBN, and ISSN identifiers. The journal papers will be submitted for indexation by SCOPUS, ROAJ, DOAJ, and Google Scholar. Clarivate Analytics (CPCI-S Web of Science) indexed the proceedings up to and including 2021. Since 2021, the indexing procedure has changed, and we have submitted our application. We are now awaiting the decision.  

Copyright Notice
The rule for the Conference Proceedings Journal is that when a paper is accepted for publication, the authors are allowed to retain the copyright of their work without any restrictions. The author is required to grant the publisher the right of first publication as well as other non-exclusive publishing rights. This allows the Conference Proceedings Journal to reproduce, reprint, translate, and distribute the paper in all forms of publication, including photographs, microfilm, and any other similar activities of reproduction. It is important to note that if any violation of copyright is found in the future, it is the responsibility of the author to obtain sanction in accordance with prevailing regulations. Therefore, authors should ensure that their work is compliant with copyright laws and regulations to avoid any legal issues in the future.

Open Access Policy
All papers published in Conference Proceedings Journal are full-open access: immediately freely available to read and download. We are continuously working with our author communities to select the best choice of license options, currently being defined for this Conference Proceedings Journal as follows: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).

The author accepts responsibility for publishing this material in his/her own name, as well as on behalf of all co-authors, if any. The authors ensure that the written works are fully original, and if the author uses the work and/or sentences of another person, then they must use citations or quotations correctly. The authors are responsible to obtain permission for any third-party material included in the paper. As an author of the manuscript, you hereby confirm that the paper has not been published before in the form submitted to the International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. The paper is not under consideration for publication in any other journal, nor will it be submitted for publication elsewhere before being accepted/rejected by the International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT.

Submission Link
EasyChair - link


       - Call for Papers
       - Paper Submission
       - For Authors
       - For Reviewers
       - Important Dates
       - Conference Committee
       - Editorial Board
       - Reviewers
       - Last Proceedings


       - Volume 12, Issue 2 (ICAIIT 2024)        - Volume 12, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2024)        - Volume 11, Issue 2 (ICAIIT 2023)
       - Volume 11, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2023)
       - Volume 10, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2022)
       - Volume 9, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2021)
       - Volume 8, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2020)
       - Volume 7, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2019)
       - Volume 7, Issue 2 (ICAIIT 2019)
       - Volume 6, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2018)
       - Volume 5, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2017)
       - Volume 4, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2016)
       - Volume 3, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2015)
       - Volume 2, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2014)
       - Volume 1, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2013)


       ICAIIT 2025
         - Photos
         - Reports

       ICAIIT 2024
         - Photos
         - Reports

       ICAIIT 2023
         - Photos
         - Reports

       ICAIIT 2021
         - Photos
         - Reports

       ICAIIT 2020
         - Photos
         - Reports

       ICAIIT 2019
         - Photos
         - Reports

       ICAIIT 2018
         - Photos
         - Reports





           ISSN 2199-8876
           Publisher: Edition Hochschule Anhalt
           Location: Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
           Phone: +49 (0) 3496 67 5611
           Address: Building 01 - Red Building, Top floor, Room 425, Bernburger Str. 55, D-06366 Köthen, Germany

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Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, all works and proceedings on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.