List of ICAIIT 2021 presentations

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APRIL 28, 2021

09:30 am CET Welcome speech (Prof. Dr. Eduard Siemens, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences)

Section 1. Communication technologies (Moderator Prof. Dr. Eduard Siemens, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences)

10:00 Elena Ionikova, Kirill Karpov, Viatcheslav Shuvalov (Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Sciences) Method for determining the number of states of the Markov model of damage accumulation in predicting the technical condition of a fiber-optic cable
10:20 Ivan Pavlov, Valery Lebedyancev, Sergei Abramov, Maria Pavlova and Eugenia Abramova (Siberian state University of Telecommunications and Informatics) Evaluation of the noise immunity of the MIAM communication system
10:40 Igor Bogachkov, Nikolai Gorlov and Evgenia Kitova (Omsk State Technical University, Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Computer Science, Novosibirsk State Technical University) Distributed Fiber-Optic Sensors Based on Principle of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering
11:00 Strelkovskaya I., Zolotukhin R., Strelkovska J. (Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication) Comparative analysis of file transfer protocols in low-bandwidth radionetworks
11:20 Oleksandr Romanov, Mikola Nesterenko, Vladimir Mankivskyi and Eduard Siemens (Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences) Mathematical description of control problems in SDN networks
11:40 Zdravko Todorov, Danijela Efnusheva, Ana Cholakoska and Marija Kalendar (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University) FPGA implementation of IPv6 header processor
12:00 Kirill Karpov, Ivan Luzianin, Maksim Iushchenko, Eduard Siemens (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences) Urban environment Simulator for train data generation toward CV object recognition

Section 2. Information Technologies and Cybernetic (Moderator Assoc. Prof. Dr.-Eng. Leonid Mylnikov, Perm National Research Polytechnic University)

10:00 Gyuzel Shakhmametova and Ilshat Ishmukhametov (Ufa State Aviation Technical University) Models and Algorithms for Automatic Labelling of Unstructured Texts (Text Tagging)
10:20 Maryna Popova, Larysa Globa and Rina Novogrudska (Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute) Multilevel Ontologies for Big Data Analysis and Processing
10:40 Tatiana Monastyrskaya, Aleksei Poletaikin, Julia Shevtsova and Elena Melekhina (Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Science, Kuban State University, Novosibirsk State Technical University) Technology of computer monitoring of the quality of educational process
11:00 Dmitrii Vershinin, Leonid Mylnikov (Hof University of Applied Sciences, Perm National Research Polytechnic University) A Review and comparison of mapping and trajectory selection algorithms
11:20 Aleksandr Kniazev, Pavel Slivnitsin, Leonid Mylnikov,Stefan Schlechtweg and Andrey Kokoulin (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences) Impact of synthetic image data on the convolutional neural network training for object detection
11:40 Ekaterina Yurchenko, Irina Shulga, Mikhail Tugarinov, Igor Shelekhov and Stanislav Torgaev (Tomsk State University, Tomsk State Pedagogical University) Development of physical and psychological states graphs of people and their software implementation in the tasks of evacuation modelling

12:30 Quo vadis ICAIIT? Open discussion on next steps.


       - Call for Papers
       - Paper Submission
       - For Authors
       - For Reviewers
       - Important Dates
       - Conference Committee
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       - Last Proceedings


       - Volume 12, Issue 2 (ICAIIT 2024)        - Volume 12, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2024)        - Volume 11, Issue 2 (ICAIIT 2023)
       - Volume 11, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2023)
       - Volume 10, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2022)
       - Volume 9, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2021)
       - Volume 8, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2020)
       - Volume 7, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2019)
       - Volume 7, Issue 2 (ICAIIT 2019)
       - Volume 6, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2018)
       - Volume 5, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2017)
       - Volume 4, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2016)
       - Volume 3, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2015)
       - Volume 2, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2014)
       - Volume 1, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2013)


       ICAIIT 2025
         - Photos
         - Reports

       ICAIIT 2024
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       ICAIIT 2023
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       ICAIIT 2021
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       ICAIIT 2020
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       ICAIIT 2019
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       ICAIIT 2018
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           ISSN 2199-8876
           Publisher: Edition Hochschule Anhalt
           Location: Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
           Phone: +49 (0) 3496 67 5611
           Address: Building 01 - Red Building, Top floor, Room 425, Bernburger Str. 55, D-06366 Köthen, Germany

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