Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2020/03/10, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp.35-39
Mutual Influence of Opposite TCP Flows in a Congested Network
Nikolai Mareev, Dmytro Syzov, Dmytry Kachan, Kirill Karpov, Maksim Iushchenko, Eduard Siemens Abstract: With the rapid growth of the Internet community, some of the simple and familiar tasks related to the field of data transfer are becoming increasingly complex. A modern worldwide network can offer high-speed channels and many opportunities for IT companies that provide high load through the Internet. This creates a bunch of new problems for software solutions and algorithms in the field of high-speed digital c ommunications. This article observes one of these problems: the mutual influence between two mutually opposite single-threaded TCP flows with the various congestion control algorithms. In this paper, some of the most efficient congestion control algorithms were tested on a real network using channel emulation equipment. The test results presented in the article show that two-way TCP data transfer with modern congestion control algorithms can lead to a significant performance drop.
Keywords: TCP, IP, Highspeed, Congestion Control Algorithm, Internet, Performance, Bidirectional, Two-Way,
DOI: 10.25673/32746
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