Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2020/03/10, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp.1-6

Available Bandwidth Metrics for Application-Layer Reliable Multicast in Global Multi-Gigabit Networks

Kirill Karpov, Maksim Iushchenko, Nikolai Mareev, Dmytro Syzov, Eduard Siemens, Viatcheslav Shuvalov

Abstract: Application layer multicast shows its efficiency when it is necessary to transmit enormous amount of data to many nodes. One of the most important issues for such kind of transmission is ”what is the criteria for path construction?”. In the global networks, when the distance between nodes becomes a significant f actor, the time delay between nodes seems self-evident. However, in the presence of cross-traffic in the c hannel, the minimum spanning tree based on the delay might construct the tree which provides the lower data rate than possible alternative. The point of this work is to study how available bandwidth estimation techniques might solve such kind of challenges, how to adopt available bandwidth as a metric to construct data distribution paths and the cases when it gives higher performance in comparison with delay as a metric.

Keywords: Application Layer Multicast, Point-to-Multipoint, Available Bandwidth, Minimum Spanning Tree,

DOI: 10.25673/32742

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  1. A. V. Bakharev, E. Siemens and V. P. Shuvalov, “Analysis of performance issues in point-to-multipoint data
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  3. K. Karpov, D. Kachan, N. Mareev, V. Kirova, D. Syzov, Siemens and V. Shuvalov, “Adopting Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm for Application- Layer Reli-able Mutlicast in Global Mutli-Gigabit Networks,” in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Ap-plied Innovations in IT, 2019.
  4. V. Kirova, E. Siemens, D. Kachan, O. Vasylenko and K. Karpov, “Optimization of Probe Train Size for Available Bandwidth Estimation in High-speed Net-works,” in MATEC Web of Conferences, vol. 208. EDP Sciences, 2018, p. 02001.
  5. V. Kirova, K. Karpov, E. Siemens, I. Zander, O. Va-sylenko, D. Kachan and S. Maksymov, “Impact of Modern Virtualization Methods on Timing Precision and Performance of High-Speed Applications,” Future Internet, vol. 11, no. 8, p. 179, 2019.
  6. M. Amad, A. Boudries and L. Badis, “Application Layer Multicast Based Services on Hierarchical Peer to Peer Architecture,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 892, pp. 64-71, June 2019.
  7. R. Muzaffar, E. Yanmaz, C. Raffelsberger, C. Bettstet-ter and A. Cavallaro, “Live multicast video stream-ing from drones: an experimental study,” Autonomous Robots, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 75–91, January 2020.
  8. A. Sampaio and P. Sousa, “An adaptable and ISPfriendly multicast overlay network,” Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 809-829, July 2019.
  9. Q. Liu, R. Tang, H. Ren and Y. Pei, “Optimizing multicast routing tree on application layer via an encodingfree non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm,” Applied Intelligence, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 759-777, March 2020.
  10. N. Mareev, D. Kachan, K. Karpov, D. Syzov and E. Siemens, “Efficiency of BQL Congestion Control under High Bandwidth-Delay Product Network Conditions,” in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Innovations in IT, 2019.


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