Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2020/03/10, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp.95-99

Investigation of Brillouin Reflectometry Method Application for Mechanical Stresses Diagnostics in Optical Fiber

Igor Bogachkov, Nikolay Gorlov, Tatiana Monastyrskaya, Evgenia Kitova

Abstract: The paper strength characteristics and data based on the theory of optic fiber strength. The possibility of application of Brillouin Reflectometry Method for mechanical stresses control in optical fiber is studied. A special attention is given to the analysis of displacement of spectral components in Brillouin scattering of light depending on tension value or fiber elongation. The proposed method makes it possible do detect potentially dangerous sections in optical cable during all production stages and to improve production technologies, used in the cable manufacturing process as well as in the process of building and technical operational support of optical fiber communication lines. Obviously, it is the only optical method which makes it possible to measure the absolute tension value in the optic fiber. In addition, by use of Brillouin scattering spectral allocation along the fiber it is possible to determine the allocation of tension along the fiber line. Determination of the tension value in cable optic fiber allows predicting the reliability of the line as well as timely detecting the risk sections in the communication line.

Keywords: Optic Fiber, Communication Line, Tension, Brillouin Reflectometry Method, Degradation, Scattering

DOI: 10.25673/32766

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