Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2020/03/10, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp.41-48
The Possibilities for Deployment Eco-Friendly Indoor Wireless Networks Based on LiFi Technology
Oleksandr Romanov, Thi Tho Dong, Mikola Nesterenko Abstract: Recently, traffic demand for wireless data has increased the need for extending the spectrum to transmit numerous signals. However, the bandwidth of radio waves has been scrunching in the last few years with tremendous development of technology such as 4G, 5G, Internet of Thing (IoT) and so on. Therefore, in a few recent years, LiFi technology which is considered a complement solution for radio frequency technology has attracted a lot of attention in scientific community. LiFi, which is a part of optical wireless communication (OWC), employs visible light from the green and eco-friendly light emitting diode (LED) to forward signals. In addition, LiFi is best-known for high-speed, bi-directional connection, save energy, security network, and safe for human. Because of the potential advantages that LiFi benefits in, we investigated to analyze the possibility to deploy indoor wireless networks based on LiFi technology with the existing infrastructure of LEDs and PoE cables. Moreover, in this study, we proposed the wireless network model in a typical office with nine LED luminaires positioned in the center of the room ceiling that support to intensify the illumination and communication in an entire room. Additionally, the received power of optical signals and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) level in the proposed model were calculated and simulated with the MATLAB program. The study of these parameters advocates deploying the network system more effectively.
Keywords: Optical Wireless Communication (OWC), Light Fidelity (LiFi), LEDs, PoE, Possibility to Deploy Indoor Wireless Networks, Optical Received Power, Light-of-Sight (LoS), SNR
DOI: 10.25673/32747
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