Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2019/10/06, Volume 7, Issue 2, pp.21-27
Improvement of the Work of a Small Derivative Hydro-Electrostation by Water Treatment by Hydrocyclones
Zhuzbay Kassymbekov, Nassipkul Dyussembekova, Galymzhan Kassymbeko Abstract: The relevance of the study lies in the fact that in the common derivation schemes of hydroelectric power plants, protection against bottom and bottom sediments is carried out in water inlets, and water is cleaned from dangerous fractions of sediments in sedimentation tanks. The costs for the construction of a sump are very significant and sometimes make up 20-35 % of the investments in the construction of hydroelectric power stations. In our opinion, it is possible to reduce these costs by using modern types of hydrocyclones instead of sumps and filters used to purify water for cooling generators. The purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of small hydropower plants by improving the site of water treatment. The research method is the use of guidelines for the preparation of technical documentation for energy production and technological complexes of hydroelectric power stations and thermal power plants and the testing of a water treatment unit and a technical water supply system. The results obtained: a feature of a new technical solution to improve a small hydropower plant was established. Unlike the existing ones, it has a complex clarifier for water purification replaced by an effective hydrocyclone. The hydrocyclone is also installed on the cooling unit of the hydrogenerator. Due to this, a simplification of the design of hydroelectric power stations, increasing the degree of water purification is achieved. The results of calculating the design parameters of hydrocyclone assemblies and testing them in laboratory and production conditions are presented. It has been established that replacing the bulky reinforced concrete sump of existing hydropower plants with simplified design hydrocyclone sand traps reduces the cost of building a water treatment unit from 30% (existing) to 7%. This allows you to expand the scope of development of a small hydroelectric power station, especially in mountain conditions.
Keywords: Small Hydroelectric Power Station, Water Treatment, Sedimentation Tank, Hydrocyclone, Prototype, Test
DOI: 10.25673/33313
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