Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2019/03/06, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp.55-63

Management and Information Support Issues in the Implementation of Innovation Projects in Production Systems

Leonid Mylnikov

Abstract: The article investigates tasks and approaches related to the management of innovation projects, the current state of production and project management in production environment. The article gives a review of main approaches for the management of project implementation in production systems. It suggests the task of management and selection of project development paths on all the stages of project implementation. The article surveys possibilities and drawbacks of existing theories and approaches regarding planning and management tasks in project implementation. It examines general characteristics of building project management models in production-and-economic systems and their practical application. The main goal of the article is to determine gaps in the development of methods and approaches related to the management of project implementation paths as a study object based on the information about projects and their implementation environment, i.e. systems. The practical significance consists in the possibility to increase the amount of successfully implemented projects, to reduce the time period of project development stages, and to cut expenses for the implementation of project stages.

Keywords: Innovation Project, Production System, Management, Planning, The Review of Management Methods, Information Support of Management Process

DOI: 10.25673/13483

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