Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2018/03/13, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp.77-83

Development of an Algorithm for Transition from an Electric-power System Visual Representation to a Parametric Representation

Anatolii Kusakin, Anton Petrochenkov, Dmitrii Leizgold, Ivan Luzyanin

Abstract: Precise estimation of the oil field electric-power system (EPS) parameters is an important task when estimating energy efficiency of oil well equipment. One possible solution for this task is development a software module that is capable both to graphically represent grid topology and to calculate the parameters of EPS on the basis of electrical parameters of equipment. The currently used methods for EPS modeling are based on theoretical approaches that do not completely meet modern requirements on precision and convergence. In addition, the interaction of EPS elements is considered insufficiently in the existing models. Implementing Smart Grid systems require development of new modeling tools. To create them, it is necessary to describe two models and develop transition algorithm between the visual representation of the electric grid and the parametric model of the EPS which determines the main parameters of the system. The paper considers the object model that allows to construct virtual electric scheme using objects (elements) and the calculation model that provide electric-power system parameters on the basis of calculation Kirchhoff's circuit laws. The development of a transition algorithm between the object model of the EPS into a calculation model. To implement this algorithm the LabVIEW is used. Both models are included in a software package which are designed to simulate stationary and quasi-stationary operating regimes and calculate the EPS parameters for further operation analysis. Since the existing solutions do not provide an optimal models’ transition technique, the authors propose the based on T-list algorithm. The research results will be useful for developing efficient EPS control techniques in various regimes and improve energy efficiency both on existing oil fields’ EPS and new ones.

Keywords: Electric-Power System, Oil Field, Object Model, Calculation Model, T-list, Algorithm, Equivalent Circuit,Branch, Node

DOI: 10.13142/kt10006.28

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