Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2018/03/13, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp.67-75

The Use of Optimal Management Tasks for Verification and Adjustment of New Product Release Planning in Discrete Production Systems

Leonid Mylnikov, Dmitrii Vershinin, Daniil Fatkhullin

Abstract: The present paper investigates a modern issue of predictive models for optimal management used to enhance the performance of production system management that can be achieved by a joint consideration and synchronization of internal and external processes of an examined system. Volume planning task is considered as a task that helps verify the results of business planning and take into account the interrelation of subsystems of a production system and foreign market impact based on forecasting data. The article draws on the example of release of leading-edge vacuum pumps in an engineering company in order to define the prospects of this market and estimate manufacturing capabilities. The analysis was carried out based on the data of an approximate business plan and statistical data of vacuum pump market. As a result, it suggests production schedule for vacuum pumps that can be taken as a background for making feasibility decisions on the release of new products and adjusting production activities of an enterprise. The obtained business planning data can be used in practice by solving the tasks of production management that help perform preliminary estimates of enterprise potentiality for market needs and improve the objectivity of strategic decision making by enhancing the formalization level of describing processes and preparing objective data. The synchronization of production processes described in the paper is relevant as it is connected with the current trends, i.e. the reduction of time production, the depreciation of human factor in production processes, all that triggers increased requirements to the quality of management in production processes.

Keywords: Lot-Scheduling Planning, Optimal Management, Discrete Production, Project, Production System, Engineering Company, Forecast, Prediction, Business Plan, Smart Manufacturing

DOI: 10.13142/kt10006.27

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