Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2017/03/16, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp.51-55

Innovating Information System Development Methodologies with Design Thinking

Gerhard Steinke, Meshal Shams Al-Deen, Ryan LaBrie

Abstract: Design thinking has emerged as a means of solving problems by focusing on the perspective of the customer to better determine the user’s application requirements. A major complaint with the Waterfall System Development Methodology is the difficulty gathering all requirements up front prior to development, making it hard to implement customer change requests later in the development cycle. Alternatively, the Agile Development Methodology allows for constant system revisions and improvements, potentially making it hard to budget and plan for the completion of a system. This paper looks at integrating Design Thinking into the traditional Waterfall and Agile system development methodologies. Using the Design Thinking components of empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test leads to improvement of both the developer and customer experience.

Keywords: Design Thinking, Waterfall System Development Methodology, Agile Development

DOI: 10.13142/KT10005.22

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