Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2016/03/10, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp.31-34

Optimization of the Modular Educational Program Structure

Alexandr Ivanchenko, Anastasia Kolomiets, Dmitriy Grinchenkov, Nguyen Van Ngon

Abstract: Optimized structure of the educational program consisting of a set of the interconnected educational objects is offered by means of problem solution of optimum partition of the acyclic weighed graph. The condition of acyclicity preservation for subgraphs is formulated and the quantitative assessment of decision options is executed. The original algorithm of search of quasioptimum partition using the genetic algorithm scheme with coding chromosomes by permutation is offered. Object-oriented realization of algorithm in language C++ is described and results of numerical experiments are presented.

Keywords: e-learning, educational program, educational object, computer testing, acyclic weighed graph, number partition, graph partition, random permutation, genetic algorithm, object-oriented approach

DOI: 10.13142/KT10004.06

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