Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT 2016/03/10, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp.57-63 Modeling of Self-similar TrafficIrina Strelkovskaya, Irina Solovskaya, Nikolay SeverinAbstract: Modeling of self-similar traffic is performed for the queuing system of G/M/1/K type using Weibull distribution. To study the self-similar traffic the simulation model is developed by using SIMULINK software package in MATLAB environment. Approximation of self-similar traffic on the basis of spline functions. Modeling self-similar traffic is carried out for QS of W/M/1/K type using the Weibull distribution. Initial data are: the value of Hurst parameter H=0,65, the shape parameter of the distribution curve α ≈0,7 and distribution parameter β ≈0,0099. Considering that the self-similar traffic is characterized by the presence of "splashes" and long-term dependence between the moments of requests arrival in this study under given initial data it is reasonable to use linear interpolation splines. Keywords: self-similar traffic, Hurst parameter, Weibull distribution, modeling, queuing system, approximation, spline function DOI: 10.13142/KT10004.23 Download: PDF References:
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