Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2014/03/27, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp.1-5

AWireless Mesh Network NS-3 Simulation Model: Implementation and Performance Comparison With a Real Test-Bed

Dmitrii Dugaev, Eduard Siemens

Abstract: Wireless mesh networks present an attractive communication solution for various research and industrial projects. However, in many cases, the appropriate preliminary calculations which allow predicting the network behavior have to be made before the actual deployment. For such purposes, network simulation environments emulating the real network operation are often used. Within this paper, a behavior comparison of real wireless mesh network (based on 802.11s amendment) and the simulated one has been performed. The main objective of this work is to measure performance parameters of a real 802.11s wireless mesh network (average UDP throughput and average one-way delay) and compare the derived results with characteristics of a simulated wireless mesh network created with the NS-3 network simulation tool. Then, the results from both networks are compared and the corresponding conclusion is made. The corresponding results were derived from simulation model and real-world test-bed, showing that the behavior of both networks is similar. It confirms that the NS-3 simulation model is accurate and can be used in further research studies.

Keywords: wireless mesh networks, 802.11s, HWMP, network simulation, NS-3.

DOI: 10.13142/kt10002.01

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