Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2013/03/25, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp.43-47

AvBandTest  a Testing Tool for Implementations of Available Bandwidth Estimation Algorithms

Dmitry Kachan, Eduard Siemens

Abstract: This work describes a test tool that allows to make performance tests of different end-to-end available bandwidth estimation algorithms along with their different implementations. The goal of such tests is to find the best-performing algorithm and its implementation and use it in congestion control mechanism for high-performance reliable transport protocols. The main idea of this paper is to describe the options which provide available bandwidth estimation mechanism for highspeed data transport protocols and to develop basic functionality of such test tool with which it will be possible to manage entities of test application on all involved testing hosts, aided by some middleware.

Keywords: High-speed transport; available bandwidth, congestion avoidance, testing of algorihtms

DOI: 10.13142/kt10001.07

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