
Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2024/11/30, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp.231-243

Methodical Approach to the Startup Ecosystem Formation: Foreign Experience and Opportunities for Ukraine

Viktoriia Khaustova, Mykola Kyzym, Olena Reshetnyak, Mykyta Khaustov and Nataliia Trushkina

Abstract: In modern conditions, startups play a key role in ensuring the sustainable development of national economies around the world. In view of this, the purpose of this study is to substantiate a methodological approach to creating a startup ecosystem in Ukraine based on the generalization of best global practices. To achieve the stated goal of the study, the following scientific approaches and methods were used: analysis and synthesis; system approach; bibliometric analysis; content analysis; economic and statistical analysis; rating evaluation; expert assessments; comparative analysis; system-logical analysis; cluster analysis; monographic method; graphic method. The article clarifies the essence of the concept of a “startup ecosystem” as a network association of organizational structures of various forms of ownership that provide support for the creation of innovative startup projects at different stages of their life cycle with subsequent scaling. As a result of the study, it was proven that the development of startups in Ukraine involves the creation of an effective ecosystem that would provide their support at all stages of the life cycle (from the creation of an innovative project to its implementation in the form of a company). To achieve this, the composition of the elements of the startup ecosystem was formed according to the main stages of their life cycle and a methodical approach to the formation of a startup ecosystem in Ukraine was developed, which is characterized by a specific set of institutions in the country, the complex combination of whose efforts will provide support for the formation of startups (at all stages of their life cycle) and will contribute to the activation of innovative entrepreneurship. The practical value of scientific developments lies in the fact that the proposed methodological approach has been implemented in the activities of the Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Kharkiv Region.

Keywords: Startup, Project, Company, Organization, Life Cycle, Management, Scaling, Strategic Development, Innovation, Innovative Activity, Ecosystem, Institutional Support, Methodical Approach, Model, Entrepreneurship, Partnership, University

DOI: 10.25673/118138

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