Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT 2024/11/30, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp.199-205 Marketing Logistics and its DigitalizationIryna Polishchuk, Yuriy Dovhan, Iryna Kramar, Larysa Dovhan and Oksana YakushevskaAbstract: The article highlights the essence and role of marketing logistics in the conditions of the modern market environment and overviews the trends in its digitalization. The study is relevant due to the strategic importance of marketing logistics for business competitiveness, improving operational efficiency, and meeting modern consumer demands. The purpose of the article is to highlight the historical process of forming marketing logistics as a modern management concept and the current trends in its digitalization. The theoretical foundations of marketing logistics summarized in this work will facilitate the integration of digital technologies into marketing logistics, improve business processes, and support the sustainable development of companies in the context of dynamic changes in the global market. Comparative, institutional, systemic, and structural-functional methods are used to conduct research. Considerable attention is paid to highlighting the reasons for the need for digitization of marketing logistics and the problems that arise in its process. The main reason for the need for digitization of marketing logistics is defined as obtaining competitive advantages by companies. The main problems that arise in the process of marketing logistics digitalization include a lack of a digitalization strategy, a lack of technology awareness, etc. The necessity of training marketing logistics specialists who have deep professional knowledge and skills in the field of economics and management, as well as in the field of digital information and communication technologies is emphasized. The main modern trends in the use of digital tools of marketing logistics are characterized. It is concluded that marketing logistics is an effective concept of business process management, and its digitalization is an integral component of modern economic development, which contributes to increasing the efficiency of companies and maintaining their competitiveness. Keywords: Consumer, Management, Marketing Logistics, Digitalization, Digital Tools DOI: 10.25673/118134 Download: PDF References:
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