Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2024/03/07, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp.279-284
Features of Using Pumps in Turbine Mode
Kurbon Dzhuraev, Abdurauf Abduaziz uulu, Fotima Shadibekova and Azamat Mambetov Abstract: One of the possible directions of using renewable energy sources to save fuel and energy resources in Uzbekistan is the use of the hydropower potential of small rivers. The cost of electricity generated at micro and small hydroelectric power plant is already lower than the cost of electricity generated at traditional types of power plants, including gas turbine, wind, nuclear power plant and thermal power plant. In addition, due to constantly rising energy prices, the cost of electricity at traditional power plants is constantly increasing. The use of the hydropower potential of small rivers will contribute to the decentralization of the integrated energy system and improve energy supply to remote and hard-to-reach rural areas. Analysis of literature sources shows that the use of serial pumps as hydraulic turbines is a successful alternative to the use of specially designed hydraulic turbines for mini and small hydroelectric power plant. To reliably use pumps as hydraulic turbines, manufacturers need to obtain experimental performance of pumps in turbine mode, which can help expand their markets and better utilize available hydraulic potential.
Keywords: Hydroelectric Power Plant, Renewable Energy Sources, MicroHPP, Active Turbines, Pump, Radial-Axial Francis, Pelton Turbine
DOI: 10.25673/115715; PPN 1884687601
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