Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2024/03/07, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp.271-278

Substantiating the Jet Agitator Parameters for Dredgers

Andrii Bondarenko, Viktor Kukhar and Assel Nurmanova

Abstract: The paper presents the results of a theoretical study concerning jet flow-loose ground interaction in the underwater face. A mathematical model was developed to establish the values of a sufficient number of geometric parameters to develop the contact surface between the turbulent jetting with the ground being washed out. The adequacy of the developed mathematical model was confirmed while preparing and conducting a series of laboratory experiments aimed at granular soil jet agitating; the designed laboratory facility was applied. Numerical values of empiric coefficients were derived, and the experimental data have been processed statistically.The effectiveness of the use of jet agitators in underwater mining and construction works has been confirmed by the results of theoretical and experimental studies obtained in this work. The developed mathematical model to calculate jet agitators has been tested while developing designs of such ejector dredgers as ЗНС 630-90 and ЗНС 300-120, and while modernizing soil suction heads of ССБ 500/440, МЗ-16Э, МЗ-8, МЗ-11, Pechora, and ГПП-11 dredgers.

Keywords: Jet Agitator, Mathematical Model, Dredger, Underwater Face

DOI: 10.25673/115714; PPN 1884687598

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