Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2024/03/07, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp.265-270

Ensure the Reliability of the Heating System of the Autonomous Helio-Greenhouse of the Trench Type in Emergency Situations

Bozorbek Botirov, Isroil Yuldoshev, Sanjar Shoguchkarov, Shahzod Rahmatillayev and Afzalkhoja Kudratov

Abstract: In the article, the results of the temperature of the autonomous helio-greenhouse of the trench type in the abnormal cold climatic conditions of Uzbekistan are discussed. During the winter heating season at ambient temperatures from -40 °C to -21 °C, experiments were carried out, which showed that at an outdoor air temperature of less than -10 °C there was no need to use emergency heating sources, and the temperature in the autonomous greenhouse dropped to 5 °C. A two-circuit combined system based on an electric boiler and a solar water heating system has been proposed and applied as an emergency heating source. At an ambient temperature of more than -200 °C, the air temperature wizened at

Keywords: Reliability, Heating Systems, Trench, Autonomous Helio-Greenhouse, Electric Boiler, Thermo-Gram, Solar Radiation

DOI: 10.25673/115713; PPN 188468758X

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