Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2024/03/07, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp.79-87
Computational Breakthroughs in Aquatic Taxonomy: The Role of Deep Learning and DNA Barcoding
Nadiia Kasianchuk, Sofiia Harkava, Sofiia Onishchenko, Olesia Solodka, Daria Shyshko, Eduard Siemens, Halina Falfushynska and Taras Ustyianovych Abstract: Aquatic ecosystems are crucial in maintaining environmental equilibrium and sustaining human well-being. However, the traditional manual methods used in hydrobiological research have limitations in providing a far-reaching understanding of these intricate ecosystems. Data science, machine learning, and deep learning techniques offer a variety of opportunities to overcome these limitations and unlock new insights into aquatic environments. This study highlights the impact of computational tools in areas such as taxonomic identification, metagenomic sequence analysis, and water quality prediction. Deep learning techniques have demonstrated superior accuracy in classifying organisms, including those previously unidentified by conventional methods. In metagenomic sequence analysis, machine learning aids in effectively assembling DNA sequences, aligning them with known databases, and addressing challenges related to sequence repeats, errors, and missing data. Furthermore, predictive models have been developed to provide insights into water quality parameters, such as eutrophication events and heavy metal concentrations. These advancements lead to informed conservation measures and a deep understanding of the intricate relationships within aquatic ecosystems. However, challenges persist, including data quality issues, model interpretability, and the need for robust training datasets. Thus, data integration strategies designed specifically for environmental and genomic studies are necessary. Data fusion and imputation can help address data scarcity and provide a comprehensive view of hydrobiological processes. As the study of aquatic ecosystems continues to evolve, the synergy between computational methods and traditional hydrobiological techniques holds immense potential. By leveraging the power of data science and cutting-edge technologies, researchers can gain a deep understanding of aquatic environments, monitor changes in biodiversity, and develop informed strategies for sustainable management amidst global environmental shifts.
Keywords: Aquatic Ecosystems; Deep Learning; Taxonomic Identification; Metagenomic Sequences; Environment Modeling; Machine Learning
DOI: 10.25673/115645; PPN 1884680585
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