Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2024/03/07, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp.135-142

Digital Transformation of Energy Infrastructure in the Conditions of Global Changes: Bibliometric Analysis

Viktoriia Khaustova, Mykola Kyzym, Nataliia Trushkina and Mykyta Khaustov

Abstract: At the current stage of transformational transformations, the problems of energy infrastructure transformation are extremely important. And these issues are especially relevant in the conditions of rapid development of the digital economy. According to the calculations of The Boston Consulting Group experts, the volume of the digital economy by 2035 will amount to 16 trillion dollars. USA. At the same time, it is worth noting that the digital transformation observed in the energy sector as a critically important branch of the national economy has led to the emergence of new challenges and risks of information and cybersecurity, which should be given special attention in order to increase competitiveness and achieve sustainable development. In view of this, the purpose of this study is to determine the trends and key areas of research on the transformation of energy infrastructure in the era of digitalization based on bibliometric analysis using the VOSviewer software. The article specifies the meaning of the concepts “energy infrastructure”, “transformation”, "digital transformation". A bibliometric analysis of the relationship between the terms “energy infrastructure”, “energy system”, “energy network”, “digital transformation”, “digitalization”, “information technologies” was performed. The author's approach to the interpretation of the concept of “digital transformation of the energy infrastructure in the conditions of global changes” is proposed. It has been established that the use of information systems and digital technologies in recent years has been recognized as a strategic direction for the transformation of energy infrastructure in many European countries. A comparative analysis of existing international methods for evaluating the development of energy systems, taking into account the information component, was performed. It has been proven that the priority direction of research in the future should be the substantiation of the theoretical and methodological provisions of the formation of the digital energy ecosystem.

Keywords: Energy System, Energy Infrastructure, Energy Network, Digital Transformation, Digitization, Information Technologies, Ecosystem

DOI: 10.25673/115664; PPN 1884680941

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