Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2024/03/07, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp.41-50

The Use of ICT for the Development of Foreign Language Communicative Competence in Hospitality Industry Students

Natalia Plakhotniuk, Oksana Chernysh and Oleh Makarevych

Abstract: The article considers the didactic potential of the use of educational information technologies in the process of learning a foreign language for specific purposes by hospitality students. Based on the analysis of scientific works, the study proves the importance of introducing information and communication technologies in foreign language training of future specialists. With the help of a questionnaire and an interview clarifies the state of information and communication technologies in forming foreign language communicative competence of hospitality students. The paper specifies the peculiarities of foreign language communicative competence of hospitality students. Moreover, it highlights its components. The study presents the experience of introduction of information and communication technologies in foreign language training of future hospitality specialists. It proves that video hosting on YouTube, online presentations, mind maps, and educational blogs effectively influences the formation of students’ foreign language communicative competence. Thus it increases motivation to master foreign language material and develops analytical, creative, speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills. The article describes the didactic possibilities of the authors’ educational blog to organize independent work of students and partnership learning. Hence, it develops self-realization skills and improves foreign language communicative competence. Furthermore, the authors consider the didactic potential of mind maps in forming foreign language communicative competence and actualizing their mental activity. Finally, the paper experimentally tests the effectiveness of introducing information and communication technologies in learning a foreign language for specific purposes in hospitality students.

Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies, Foreign Language Communicative Competence, Future Hospitality Specialists, Educational Blog

DOI: 10.25673/115640; PPN 1884591566

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