Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2024/03/07, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp.25-31

Design of a Model of an Information and Communication System for Solving the Problem of Preventing Car Collisions

Vitalina Babenko, Oleg Pursky, Bohdan Karpishen and Mykhaylo Fedorchuk

Abstract: Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication is a special type of vehicular ad-hoc network communication that has attracted much attention from researchers, industries, and the government due to its important application to improve driving safety for the next generation of vehicles. However, if the warning comes too late, the vehicle behind may not have enough time to stop smoothly or slow down. Especially when it comes to car accidents involving multiple vehicles. The collision warning system is important for avoiding rear-end collisions. When the vehicle in front slows down or the risk of a rear-end collision increases, the system sends a warning. Fast-moving vehicles and unreliable wireless communication links can lead to communication difficulties between vehicles, affecting the performance of multi-vehicle systems. The article describes the general perspective of the development of automobile networks. This material examines the possibilities of communication modeling and the possibility of looking at development problems, as well as researching and solving issues of network operation, the behavior of driver assistance applications and the interaction of many cars. A model of system operation based on the "receiver-transmitter" principle for BSM transmission using DSRC communication was created using MATLAB/Simulink software. The resulting model allows for various analyzes of the system for the future improvement of information and communication systems in cars.

Keywords: Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication, Advanced Driver Assistant Systems, Dedicated Short-Range Communication, Model of Prevention Car Collisions System, Basic Safety Massage

DOI: 10.25673/115638; PPN 1884583202

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