2023/11/30, Volume 11, Issue 2, pp.161-165

Development and Substantiation of Energy-Saving Methods for Controlling the Modes of Operation of Centrifugal Pumping Units in Complicated Operating Conditions

Javokhir Toshov, Azamat Makhmudov, Oybek Kurbonov, Golib Arzikulov and Gulnoza Makhmudova

Abstract: Rational and energy efficient operation of pumps for pumping and transporting liquids used in difficult conditions of mining is possible due to the implementation and use of modern methods of managing the operating modes of the pumps. Nowadays, the methods and resources used to regulate the operating modes of pumping units do not meet modern requirements, and many mines still use outdated methods of regulating the operating modes of pumps, which entails significant energy losses and an increase in the cost of the transported liquid. In the article, the methods of reducing electricity losses and the impact on the performance of pumping units were considered. It is concluded that this method of regulating work makes it possible to operate pumping units in the working area. Our article considers and experimentally substantiates the possibility of achieving savings in electrical energy, as well as increasing the reliability of the operation of pumping units based on the use of modern methods of regulating operating modes.

Keywords: Pump, Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Operating Mode, Pressure, Flow, Throttle, Valve, Characteristic, Pressure, Fluid Flow.

DOI: 10.25673/113008

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