Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2023/03/09, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp.285-290
Analysis of Auto Parametric Oscillations at the Subharmonic Frequency in Two-Phase Ferro Resonance Circuits
Mukhtorhon Ibadullayev Abstract: Oscillatory processes in nonlinear multiphase electro ferromagnetic circuits (EFMC) have an exceptional variety and complexity, and therefore their research is also associated with solving complex physical problems. Theoretical analysis, in order to identify the main patterns of excitation of subharmonic oscillations of various orders, and the development of engineering calculation methods are of particular importance in designing and creating various switching-type converter devices. On the other hand, two-phase self-oscillating circuits are physical models of power transmission lines (power lines). Consequently, the study of the excitation of the existence of subharmonic oscillations in two-phase systems allows us to establish some patterns of overvoltage with power lines with capacitive compensation caused by harmonic oscillations, and, if possible, take measures to prevent these abnormal modes or mitigate their negative consequences. This article discusses the process of excitation of subharmonic oscillations ω/2 in two-phase EFMC. Using the method of energy relations, the areas of existence and critical values of the circuit parameters are determined.
Keywords: Ferroresonance, Self-Oscillations, Subharmonics, Approximation, Lower Harmonic, Small Parameters, Ferromagnetic Element, Self-Magnetization, Power Balance.
DOI: 10.25673/101955
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