Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2023/03/09, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp.227-232
Conversion and use of Solar Energy Calculation Methodology for Photovoltaic Systems
Elyor Saitov, Sevara Axrorova, Obid Jurayev, Jushqinbek Ismailov and Bakhtiyor Baymirzaev Abstract: The needs of the population and industry for electrical energy are limited by oil and gas reserves, which leads to the need to use renewable energy sources. Myanmar is one of the developing countries in Asia. Its specific power consumption is low compared to neighboring countries. Currently, one of the most important tasks of the electric power industry is to ensure reliable, uninterrupted power supply to all industrial and domestic facilities. At the same time, the development of small solar photovoltaic installations (PMT), operating both in parallel with the grid and in autonomous mode, can improve the power supply of closely located consumers more efficiently and faster than the development of a large power system. Therefore, the work devoted to the improvement of the equipment of a small solar photovoltaic installation is relevant and of great practical importance.
Keywords: Calculation, Temperature, Photovoltaic (PV) Module, Solar Cell, Solar Radiation Intensity, Short Circuit Current, Open Circuit Voltage, Electric Power.
DOI: 10.25673/101942
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