Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2023/03/09, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp.221-225

A Review Paper on IoT Solutions in Health Sector

Vishnu Vardhana Reddy Chintha and Mallikarjuna Reddy Ayaluri

Abstract: The past decade has been marked by extensive research in the health services sector and their technological modernization. In particular, the Internet of Things (IoT) has shown potential applications in connecting medical devices, sensors and disparate healthcare professionals to provide quality medical services in faraway places. This has improved patient safety, reduced healthcare costs, improved access to healthcare services, and increased operational efficiency in the healthcare sector. An organization of human body wearable sensors, with each having a very precise identifier, could acquire healthiness statistics that are more detailed than what has previously been available for the regular observed data in scientific/clinical contexts. MIoT statistics when stored, analyzed, and evaluated by comparing with the records from extraordinary human beings, permits the customization and innovation of medical services with significant improvements in reduced costs and results. The current study updates the potential medical services of IoT technologies (MIoT). Here, the progression of the adoption of MIoT was reported in terms of latest technologies, medical care and services to solve various health problems. In summary, the present study serves as a comprehensive source of data on various application areas of MIoT with the aim of helping future researchers interested in this field.

Keywords: Healthcare, Internet of Things, Sensors.

DOI: 10.25673/101941

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