Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2023/03/09, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp.161-169
Multi-Criteria Optimisation for Building it Management Model within a Company
Larysa Globa, Stanislav Dovgyi, Oleh Kopiika and Oleksii Kozlov Abstract: The paper proposes approaches to multi-criteria optimisation when building an IT management model within a company using modern service-oriented IT solutions. It is proposed to employ a methodology that helps companies achieve appropriate levels of efficiency from IT implementation by maintaining a balance between the realisation of benefits, optimisation of risks and use of resources. The methodology enables administering and managing IT, both in the field of its functional responsibility and business tasks addressed by the company, while considering the IT needs of internal and external stakeholders. At the same time, a specific objective shall be defined, clarified, and specified in line with the balanced scorecard (financial, customer, internal processes, learning and growth). In addition, the task of effective IT implementation related to developmental priorities is fulfilled. In this case, the decision-making problem is characterised by a multi-criteria pattern. Specifically, the article proposes implementing decision-making principles using algorithms or procedures addressing multi-criteria optimisation problems. Almost all known approaches to solving these problems involve their scalarization, where consideration of the benefits is one of the main issues that must be addressed to select the best solution. Under this principle, the methods for solving multi-criteria optimisation problems are classified according to characteristics of information: decision-making under certainty; decision-making when information on the benefit system is unavailable; decision-making with the gradual acquisition of information on the benefit system; decision-making under multi-connectivity, heterogeneity, and multi-criteria information about the benefit system.
Keywords: Service-Oriented Information Technology, IT Services, Multi-Criteria Optimisation.
DOI: 10.25673/101932
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