Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2023/03/09, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp.133-141

Sensitivity Analysis of Enzyme-Substrate-Inhibitor Interaction Based on Nonlinear Dynamic Model

Vasyl Martsenyuk and Aleksandra Kłos-Witkowska

Abstract: The development of electrochemical biosensors is cutting-edge in current research in medicine, biology, and ecology. The modeling and study of the enzyme-substrate-inhibitor interaction are required for biosensor design. The aim of the paper is to construct a three-stage model for an electrochemical biosensor and to perform its sensitivity analysis. The research is based on the Morris method. The main results are concerning the comparative impact of the model parameters related to biochemical reaction rates on the dynamics of the changes of the concentrations of enzyme, substrate, inhibitor, three complexes, and the reaction product throughout three stages. The results have both theoretical and practical relevance as the model parameters studied come from a real case study of biosensors for alpha-chaconine.

Keywords: Morris Sensitivity Analysis, Enzyme, Substrate, Inhibitor, Michaelis-Menthen Model.

DOI: 10.25673/101929

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