Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2023/03/09, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp.1-6

Management of Digital Streams of an Autonomous System by the Raw Socket Ethernet Channel Virtualization Method in Linux OS

Victor Tikhonov, Serhii Nesterenko, Olena Tykhonova, Oleksandra Tsyra, Olha Yavorska and Vladyslav Hlushchenko

Abstract: The issues of multimedia data transfer in packet-based networks have been considered in this work. Known approaches to digital streams management in autonomous systems studied with respect to the Internet of things traffic requirements and sensor networks real time telemetry provisioning. An original method of telecommunication channel virtualization presented based on Ethernet Raw Socket technique. An algorithm of digital flows integrating described for data multiplexing by conveyor transporting modules which payload the 802.3 Ethernet frame instead of conventional IP-packets. Computer model exhibited for simulation the process of joint multimedia data transmission via Ethernet frames in the form of four Python scripts under the Linux OS. Scripts SEND and RECEIVE implement the physical layer of Raw Socket interface. The scripts MUX and DEMUX perform multiplexing and de-multiplexing of integrated multimedia data on the data link layer. The results of the work intended for next generation networks application and Big Data distributed systems.

Keywords: Autonomous System, Digital Stream Management, Channel Virtualization, Ethernet, Raw Socket, Linux.

DOI: 10.25673/101898

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