Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2022/03/09, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp.51-59

Robotic System Operation Specification on the Example of Object Manipulation

Leonid Mylnikov, Pavel Slivnitsin and Anna Mylnikova

Abstract: Currently, robotic system tasks are formalized with help of procedural programming languages that do not take into account the specificity of robots and are not generic in their application. The goal of the paper is to develop a method of semantic description of the sequence of operations performed by a robotic system on the example of object manipulation around them. To achieve the goal, a method of a graphical representation of a robotic system operation specification and its semantic description (metalanguage) are proposed. The paper considers the approaches to the objects’ representation, determines the way object characteristics are stored, and provides the list of possible operations with objects. The obtained methods of graphical and semantic robotic system operation specification allow to assign the task without being bound to a specific technical solution. In addition, the paper provides the examples of operation assignments for the robotic arm.

Keywords: Function Modeling, Diagram, Metalanguage, Recognition, Identification, Positioning, SLAM, Computer Vision, Robotic System.Function Modeling, Diagram, Metalanguage, Recognition, Identification, Positioning, SLAM, Computer Vision, Robotic System

DOI: 10.25673/76932

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