Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2022/03/09, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp.61-67

An Adaptive Technique of Digital Maturity Integral Estimation for an Organisation

Yuliya Shevtsova, Tatiana Monastyrskaya, Aleksei Poletaykin, Gleb Toropchin

Abstract: The paper reviews the digital transformation (DT) management technology for an organisation at the stage of evaluating its digital maturity. A characteristic feature of DT consists in profound changes in approaches to management, corporate culture, external communications, as well as an abrupt increase in efficiency. The relevant goal is to estimate the progress of DT and record the indicators of this progress in order to improve the efficiency of the further DT, as well as secure the transparency of an organisation in terms of its digital maturity. We present the developed system of estimating the digital maturity of an educational organisation. The objective of estimating digital maturity has been formalised thanks to analysing the existing approaches to validation of the digital maturity for an organisational object. The utilisation of the model developed is demonstrated on the example of higher education in the Russian Federation. The novelty of the given study is in introducing the mechanism of integral estimation calculation of digital maturity into the digital maturity evaluation methodology. The weights in this modified weighted average estimation are assigned to indicators of DM pronouncement level in such a way so that the integrated estimation could be transformed into a 100-point grading scale. The technique is adaptive and can be applied not only in educational organisations but also in organisations in other spheres of activity.

Keywords: Digital Maturity, Digital Transformation, Adaptive Technique

DOI: 10.25673/76933

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         Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Innovations in IT by Anhalt University of Applied Sciences is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

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