Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2022/03/09, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp.29-36

IoT System for Monitoring Quality of Water

Marija Gjosheva, Zlate Bogoevski, Zdravko Todorov, Danijela Efnusheva

Abstract: Water as a natural resource has so much impact on human lives. The diversity of water use makes this resource in constant demand, so its quality is crucial for humans. Pollution of water and many other critical natural resources is an increasingly common problem people face. That is why they have been trying to find various ways to prevent pollution. When it comes to water quality, it can be said that its traditional monitoring is very time-consuming and is also subject to irregularities. Thus, the advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) technology have provided innovative and valuable approaches for designing special purposed embedded systems. This paper proposes an IoT system design intended to monitor water quality in real-time. The prototype is based on an Arduino Uno microcontroller and several sensors to detect water parameters, such as pH-value, temperature, and turbidity. The results obtained from the proposed system are forwarded through the ThingSpeak web IoT platform and then are displayed on an Android application, which is specially developed to provide real-time monitoring. This implementation has been shown as a helpful solution for observing the water quality that people consume daily.

Keywords: Water Quality, Monitoring System, Internet of Things, Arduino Uno, Sensors

DOI: 10.25673/76929

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