Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT
2023/11/30, Volume 11, Issue 2
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DOI: .10.25673/112984.
List of publications
- Nadiia Kasianchuk, Yevhenii Kukuruza, Vladyslav Ostash, Anastasiia Boshtova, Dmytro Tsvyk and Matvii Mykhailichenko Scrutinised and Compared: HVG Identification Methods in Terms of Common Metrics//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 59-65. (doi:10.25673/112994)
- Halyna Huzenko and Leonid Galchynsky Mitigating the Ronin Protocol Vulnerability in the Context of RBAC Policy//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 39-45. (doi:10.25673/112992)
- Victor Tikhonov, Serhii Nesterenko, Abdullah Taher, Olena Tykhonova, Olexandra Tsyra, Olha Yavorska and Kateryna Shulakova Inverse and Direct Maxflow Problem Study on the Free-Oriented ST-Planar Network Graph//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 1-10. (doi:10.25673/112988)
- Sharara Rehimi, Hassan Bevrani, Chiyori Urabe, Takeyoshi Kato and Toshiji Kato Robust Tuning of Grid-Forming Converters Using Kharitonov Theorem//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 117-124. (doi:10.25673/113001)
- Svitlana Antoshchuk and Anastasiia Breskina EmoStudent: Developing a Dataset to Analyse Students' Emotional Well-Being//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 75-80. (doi:10.25673/112996)
- Isroil Yuldoshev, Shahzod Rahmatillaev, Sanjar Shoguchkarov and Uygun Xolov Hydraulic and Thermal Engineering Calculation in the Laminar Mode of Operation of a Photoelectric Thermal Battary//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 137-142. (doi:10.25673/113004)
- Muhammadjon Tursunov, Habibullo Sabirov, Тohir Аxtamov, Mamasobir Tursunov, Maxamadi Chariyev and Habib Abdullayev Creation of All-Season Photothermal Installation of Increased Efficiency//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 125-129. (doi:10.25673/113002)
- Sirwan Shazdeh, Qobad Shafiee and Hassan Bevrani A Data-Driven-Based Wide-Area Protection Scheme for Fault Detection Using the Limited Measurements//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 107-115. (doi:10.25673/113000)
- Bojana Velichkovska, Sandra Petrushevska, Bisera Runcheva and Marija Kalendar Demographic Bias in Medical Datasets for Clinical AI//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 67-73. (doi:10.25673/112995)
- Stefan Twieg and Ravin Menghani Analysis and Implementation of an Efficient Traffic Sign Recognition Based on YOLO and SIFT for Turtlebot3 Robot//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 47-58. (doi:10.25673/112993)
- Anton Kartashov and Larysa Globa Overview of the Approaches to Managing Distributed Storage and Access to Cloud Data//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 19-29. (doi:10.25673/112990)
- Oksana Vasylenko, Eduard Siemens and Halyna Henseruk An Exploratory Factor Analysis Approach in Empirical Study of the DigIn.Net 2 Project//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 91-99. (doi:10.25673/112998)
- Mamatha Sekireddy and Sudha Thatimakula Prediction of Child Birth Delivery Mode Using Hybrid-Boosting Ensemble Machine Learning Model//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 101-105. (doi:10.25673/112999)
- Muhammadjon Tursunov, Khabibullo Sabirov, Tohir Axtamov, Umirbek Abdiyev, Boysori Yuldoshov, Jasur Khaliyarov, Sardor Bobomuratov and Sirojiddin Toshpulatov Analysis of Electric and Thermal Efficiency of Crystal Silicon Small Power Suppliers//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 167-171. (doi:10.25673/113009)
- Taras Ustyianovych, Nadiia Kasianchuk, Halina Falfushynska, Solomiia Fedushko and Eduard Siemens Dynamic Topic Modelling of Online Discussions on the Russian War in Ukraine//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 81-89. (doi:10.25673/112997)
- Khabibullo Sabirov, Тohir Аxtamov, Sirojiddin Toshpulatov, Boysori Yuldoshov, Gayrat Raimov and Tulkin Buzrukov Protection of Photoelectric Systems from Lightning//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 143-147. (doi:10.25673/113005)
- Irina Strelkovskaya, Irina Solovskaya and Juliya Strelkovska Methods of Spline Functions in Solving Problems of Telecommunication and Information Technologies//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 11-18. (doi:10.25673/112989)
- Nurali Pirmatov, Komil Usmonov, Usan Berdiyev, Tulagan Nazirkhonov and Ulmasbek Berdiyorov Optimal Parameter Determination Asynchronous Traction Engine to Improve Operating Performance//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 131-136. (doi:10.25673/113003)
- Javokhir Toshov, Azamat Makhmudov, Oybek Kurbonov, Golib Arzikulov and Gulnoza Makhmudova Development and Substantiation of Energy-Saving Methods for Controlling the Modes of Operation of Centrifugal Pumping Units in Complicated Operating Conditions//. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 161-165. (doi:10.25673/113008)
- Qobilbek Dadaboyev and Bakhtiyar Yunusov Steam Gas Plant Reducing Circulating Water Waste in Water Cooling Towers//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 149-153. (doi:10.25673/113006)
- Anvar Rakhmanov, Stepan Kuznetsov and Feruz Fattoev The Development of Sensitive Measuring Schemes for Capacitive-Semiconductor Humidity Transmitters//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 155-160. (doi:10.25673/113007)
- Marija Bikova, Vesna Ojleska Latkoska and Hristijan Gjoreski Comparing Classical Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Classification of Arrhythmia from ECG Signals//Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Innovation in IT. vol. 11, issue 2, pp. 31-38. (doi:10.25673/112991)
About this Issue
ISSN: 2199-8876
ISBN: 978-3-96057-171-1 (Online)
Publisher: Anhalt University of Applied Sciences


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