List of ICAIIT 2019 presentations

06354 Koethen (Anhalt), Germany, Bernburger Straße 57, main building 01 (Rotes Gebäude), room 01-322/1

MARCH 06, 2019

09:00 Guest registration (Bernburger Straße 57, main building 01 (Rotes Gebäude), room 01-230)

09:30 Welcome speech (President of Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Jörg Bagdahn)
09:45 Introduction (some organizational aspects) (Dr. Bernd Krause and/or Prof. Dr. Eduard Siemens)

Section 1. Communication technologies

10:00 Manish Kumar, Martin Boehm, Jannis Ohms, Oleksandr Shulha and Olaf Gebauer (Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences (Wolfenbuettel, Germany)) Evaluation of the Time-Aware Priority Queueing Discipline with regard to Time-Sensitive Networking in particular IEEE 802.1Qbv
10:20 KKirill Karpov, Dmitry Kachan, Nikolai Mareev, Veronika Kirova, Dmytro Syzov, Eduard Siemens and Vyacheslav Shuvalov (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (Koethen, Germany), Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia)) Adopting Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm for Application-Layer Reliable Mutlicast in Global Mutli-Gigabit Networks
10:40 Dmytro Syzov, Dmitry Kachan, Kirill Karpov, Nikolai Mareev and Eduard Siemens (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (Koethen, Germany)) Custom UDP-Based Transport Protocol Implementation over DPDK
10:00 Nikolai Mareev, Dmitry Kachan, Kirill Karpov, Dmytro Syzov, Eduard Siemens (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (Koethen, Germany)) Efficiency of BQL congestion control under high bandwidth-delay product network conditions
11:20 Ana Cholakoska, Danijela Efnusheva, Marija Kalendar (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (Skopje, Macedonia) Hardware Implementation of IP Packet Filtering in FPGA
11:40 Aleksey Yurchenko, Аli Mekhtiyev, Yelena Neshina, Alia Alkina and Vyacheslav Yugai (Engineering School of Nondestructive Testing and Safety (Tomsk, Russia) and Karaganda State Technical University (Karaganda, Kazakhstan)) Passive Perimeter Security Systems Based on Optical Fibers of G652 Standard

12:00 Lunch pause

Section 2. Control, Management and Automation

13:00 Filipp Shkliaev and Rustam Fayzrakhmanov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm, Russia)) Development of Exercise Designing Module for Computer Training Complex
13:15 A. Okhorzina, Alexey Yurchenko, A. Bikbulatov, Dinh Wang Tai, A. Alkina, Y. Khidolda (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Tomsk, Russia), Karagandy State Technical University (Karagandy, Kazakhstan), Kazakh National Research Technical University (Almaty, Kazakhstan), National Research Tomsk State University (Tomsk, Russia)) Design and Test of the PVT Concentrator System
13:30 Rustam Fayzrakhmanov and Roman Bakunov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm, Russia)) Method of data dimensionality reduction in brain-computer interface systems
13:45 Goran Jakimovski, Danco Davcev and Marija Kalendar (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (Skopje, Macedonia)) Bewared Android mobile awareness platform about natural disasters
14:00 Leonid Mylnikov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm, Russia)) Management and information support issues in the implementation of innovation projects in production systems

Section 3. Data analysis and processing

14:15 Ivan Luzyanin, Anton Petrochenkov and Sergey Bochkarev (Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm, Russia)) Uncertainty Analysis of Oil Well Flow Rate on the Basis of Differential Entropy
14:30 Aleksandr Perevalov, Daniil Kurushin, Rustam Faizrakhmanov and Farida Khabibrakhmanova (Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm, Russia)) Question Embedding Based on Shannon Entropy
14:45 Anna Mylnikova and Aigul Akhmetgaraeva (Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm, Russia)) The improvement of machine translation quality with help of structural analysis and formal methods-based text processing

15:00 Quo vadis ICAIIT? Open discussion on next steps.

15:30 - 17:30 Student's Section of ICAIIT 2019/11th International conference of young scientists on Solutions of applied problems in control and communications, data processing and data analysis

Speeches of Double Degree Program Students

MARCH 07, 2019

09:00-11:30 Student's Section of ICAIIT 2019/11th International conference of young scientists on Solutions of applied problems in control and communications, data processing and data analysis

Speeches of Guest Students from Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Russia), Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Odessa National Academy of Telecommunication (Ukraine) and Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (Macedonia)

MARCH 11-22, 2019

Section 4 / Field section (Astana, Karaganda, Oskerman, Almaty (Kazakhstan), Bishkek and Osh (Kyrgyzstan)). Industry 4.0 for Renewarble Energy and Energy-Saving Technologies


       - Call for Papers
       - Paper Submission
       - For Authors
       - For Reviewers
       - Important Dates
       - Conference Committee
       - Editorial Board
       - Reviewers
       - Last Proceedings


       - Volume 12, Issue 2 (ICAIIT 2024)        - Volume 12, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2024)        - Volume 11, Issue 2 (ICAIIT 2023)
       - Volume 11, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2023)
       - Volume 10, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2022)
       - Volume 9, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2021)
       - Volume 8, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2020)
       - Volume 7, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2019)
       - Volume 7, Issue 2 (ICAIIT 2019)
       - Volume 6, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2018)
       - Volume 5, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2017)
       - Volume 4, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2016)
       - Volume 3, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2015)
       - Volume 2, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2014)
       - Volume 1, Issue 1 (ICAIIT 2013)


       ICAIIT 2025
         - Photos
         - Reports

       ICAIIT 2024
         - Photos
         - Reports

       ICAIIT 2023
         - Photos
         - Reports

       ICAIIT 2021
         - Photos
         - Reports

       ICAIIT 2020
         - Photos
         - Reports

       ICAIIT 2019
         - Photos
         - Reports

       ICAIIT 2018
         - Photos
         - Reports





           ISSN 2199-8876
           Publisher: Edition Hochschule Anhalt
           Location: Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
           Phone: +49 (0) 3496 67 5611
           Address: Building 01 - Red Building, Top floor, Room 425, Bernburger Str. 55, D-06366 Köthen, Germany

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